Unsecured bank overdraft17.219.5
Finance lease liabilities1.31.3
Unsecured bank loan and other borrowings163.883.7
Finance lease liabilities9.310.3
  1. The above borrowings are stated net of unamortised issue costs of £1.2m (2018: £1.3m).

The Group's borrowing facility was extended in the current year, after exercising the option to extend the facility for a further year. The costs incurred to extend the facility were £0.3m. It is a five-year £200m revolving credit facility which began on 4 September 2017 and now expires on 3 September 2022. The facility carries an interest rate of LIBOR plus a margin which is variable based on the gearing measures as set out in the facility covenant certificate and which is currently 100 basis points. Both utilisation and non-utilisation fees are also applicable, being charged when utilisation rises above a set percentage with non-utilisation based on a set percentage of the applicable margin. These charges are based on market rates as are the commitment fees.

The Group had the following undrawn committed borrowing facilities available at each balance sheet date in respect of which all conditions precedent had been met:

Expiring within one year20.020.0
Expiring between one and two years
Expiring between two and five years65.085.0

The overdraft facility expiring within one year is an annual facility subject to review at various dates during the period. The facility of £85.0m (2018: £105.0m) relates to the Group's revolving credit facility. All these facilities incurred commitment fees at market rates.