An exciting time for Halfords
We have a clear plan aimed at driving sustainable long-term growth.
Our new strategy will ensure that we remain focused on our core motoring and cycling offers, enabling customers to buy products and services with features and benefits that they not only desire but are only available at Halfords.
Halfords Group has delivered sales and Free Cash Flow growth in what remains a challenging UK consumer environment. While motoring continued to be impacted by extremely mild weather conditions, we are pleased to have seen continued and sustained growth in cycling, underpinned by improvement in our exclusive own brand ranges.
Graham Stapleton
Chief Executive Officer
Underlying Profit Before Tax

Dividend Per Ordinary Share

Underlying Basic Earnings Per Share

Basic Earnings Per Share

Group revenue matched to customers
Total Group sales which are service-related
of online orders click and collected in-store
In-store Retail services across motoring and cycling
Net debt to Underlying EBITDA ratio
Group revenue from online sales
Our Annual Report and Accounts includes Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) which we believe provide readers with important additional information on the Group. A glossary of terms and reconciliation to IFRS amounts is included here.